
Bits and bobs for making toys

There are a few "essentials" when making baby/kids toys. Although I do enjoy using the things on this list, you don't *have* to have them to make a toy that a little one will love. Cause let's face it, sometimes a cardboard box amuses them to no end.

As for where to find these items, Etsy and Amazon are the best bet I've found for finding these at a good deal. Your local craft store will also of course be a good place to look if you need them faster than the post can deliver it.

1 - Rattle Inserts - My son loves his rattles. Thankfully you can find these in packs or 3 or 4 so I can make him little noisemakers to his hearts content. Another option that's cost effective is to find a small Easter egg shell and put rice or beans in it. They can be sealed up but I'm always a smidge leary of this method simply because my son is good at dropping things in just the right spot that they get stepped on. So it's a waiting game on how soon it pops open and no longer rattles. So I do prefer the inserts.

2 - Crinkle paper - This is a fun option for noisy bits to entertain little ones without you needing headphones. Now with this you really have a couple of options. There is actual crinkle paper that can be purchased or you can do some recycling and use chip wrappers or wipe wrappers (cleaned out of course). It's just the noise your going for. When cutting them for your project, I'd leave a bit more than the usual seam allowance of 1/4 inch. Just to give yourself some play. After all, you can always trim it up afterwards. 

3- Suspender/mitten Clips - These are great to use with the pacifier clips to attach to onsies. The attachment points on the clip itself may vary, but all are easy to work with.

4 - Plastic toy clips - Keeping little ones entertained in car seats is a miracle sometimes. At least it is with mine until he gives up and falls asleep. These clips will allow to attach the toy of choice to the car seat. I like to give a little bit of length in attaching it so they can reach it to make them rattle or crinkle, but not enough to get ripped off. 

5 - Squeakers - While my son loves the fun little squeaks, it drives our dog nuts. They are still lots of fun and fall off a log easy to put in toys. Just push it in while your stuffing your toy! Just be sure to keep them from the family dog.

6 - Teething rings and beads - This is a fun area I think. There are lots of different options available to work with. Shapes, sizes, colours, material. You can really let your imagination go crazy in this area. And honestly, the more fun and crazy you go with it, the more little ones like it. So much for them to chew on and play with. 

These are just some of the more common supplies when making stuff for little ones. Like with everything, let your imagination go wild! What kinds of things have you used to keep your little ones entertained? We all know that the happily playing silence is golden!

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