
Puzzling out yarn weight

We've all done it. Browsing the yarn store, fondling all the wonderful yarns and found the yarn of your dreams.

Or at least the yarn for that project you've been wanting to do. Now you know that project needs DK weight yarn. This yarn has a funny little photo with a "3" on it. Well does that mean it's DK yarn? Or is this sock yarn?

Well here's a handly little chart to show the different names yarns can have with their little numbers.

As you can see, everyone seems to have their own little name for different yarns. Just to make things fun ;)

Now let's say you found some nice yarn at the Goodwill but it didn't have a label. Well how are you supposed to know what size it is then? There is an answer for that too!

Get a ruler (I like the little ones you can keep in your sewing box), something that has a consistent edge to it. Now take your mystery yarn and wrap it evenly, but not tightly, around the ruler. You can tell what weight yarn you have by how many wraps per inch (WPI) it has. Easy peasy!

These are the different yarn weights but in the end, don't be afraid to try a different weight than what the pattern calls for. You never know, it could end up even better!

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